Friday, June 02, 2006

Fri 2 June - Missed again...

Having just got back from Perth I'm taking my daughter to school. So I just get to the station in time for the 08:58 and there's no parking. Needless to say, it runs bang on time and I just miss it! The 09:11 comes in a minute or so late and arrives at Flinders Street about five minutes late - and we're on platform 12… great!

Home on the 17:49 and it's on time.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thu 1 June - Weasel words...

The truth finally comes out - click here for link - the plan for 20% of trips being made via public transport by 2020 has been abandoned.

This should come as no surprise to most of us, since it's been fairly obvious for ages that the train system can barely cope with the current passenger loads and there are no serious plans to improve this situation. Surely the Weasel has to be held accountable for misleading the Victorian public. It is time for the Weasel to go...

So where does this leave us?

  • A public transport system without a viable future

  • Severely congested roads without credible plans for improvement

  • The Weasel still "in charge" of this mess

  • A smarmy git as Premier

I think we're in a bit of trouble here, aren't we? Best go visit the Get Active site and send a message to the Weasel...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tue 30 May-Thu 1 June - Perth...

In Perth again for three days.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Mon 29 May - Wet and late…

Late this morning - I'm going to Perth again after work so I’m taking my son to kinder first. I get very wet walking to the station - at least I remember to use a two hour ticket rather than an all day one.

The 09:11 is about four minutes late and dumps us on platform 10.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Summary 22-26 May

The trend is not your friend - looks like Weasel Batchelor (pictured below) was correct when he said he expected service to decline after the Games. The trend is now below 60% green after the fourth drop in a row.