Monday, May 23, 2005

Mon 23 May - An ugly week...?

Aah the 06:59 again. Not through choice this time, in fact I barely have time to catch it. But at least the SMS arrives with just enough time to race out and get the earlier train. On the way to the station another SMS comes through to say the 08:09 is cancelled - the week's looking ugly already.

We wait the obligatory two minutes in the yards while the PDP-11s choose a platform from the two available... 12 or 13, 13 or 12, 12 or 13... oh decisions, decisions...

My upcoming holiday will be more about the relief from the vagaries of the daily Connex train lottery than anything else!

17:38 - once again, we're here and the train's not. It arrives shortly after and gets going a few minutes late - a bit crowded but not too bad.


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